
Sunday, September 19, 2010

R We R Parents?

It does seem that no matter how hard we try, we seem to become more like our parents the older we get. I am not just talking about how we look or what we say. It says in Proverbs to "train a child in the way they should go... and they will not depart from it." I've always heard this scripture applied to... going to church... learning the faith.... etc... It can be true, applied in other areas of our lives too. Did your mom say things like- "Waste not, want not!", "Clean your plate, there are children who are starving in the world." or worse yet... "Clean your plate or no dessert!" I don't know about you, but I still hear these words play over in my mind. I still feel guilty when I do not clean my plate. My husband used to say, "Send it to the starving kids in China!" I was not so bold. This and many others have instilled bad habits in my life when it comes to eating. My Mom had good intentions, when I was young we didn't have alot of money... So, she was not wanting to waste food. I still don't like to throw away food or not take home left-overs from the restaurant.

My love for food started young. My Mom is a southern comfort food cook- friend and lots of butter. My dad is a meat, potatoes, bread and butter kinda guy. I also had in the 2 houses next to ours- my mom's mom- a baker and next door to her my other grandma and gram pa- and she was a diner cook- lots of grease and always dessert. So, if my mom was fixing something we liked we went to a grams house.

I want to let you all know that in doing this new mission, this life change... I started this to get healthy because of many reasons...

1. I am having symptoms in my own body that I know I can change if I get it(my body) under control... such as hyper tension, type 2 diabetes, over all joint pain from caring all this extra weight.

2. I can see myself in how my parents health is deteriorating at the age of 65 when they should be out enjoying a wonderful life... They cannot, because they are just not well enough to do it. Here are a few to list: COPD, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, fibro-myalgia, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, ESRD.....I could go on... but I won't.

3. If God is going to bless Dan and I with a child, I need to be healthier for that to happen. Either, having one or adopting.

It is my wish for all who read this that whatever your heart desires... Health, happiness, children...etc...That God will truly give you the desires of your heart.


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