
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ideas, Dreams and Wonderment

 "A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn it can be stabbed to death by a joke or worried to death by a frown on the right person's brow."

                                                                                                 -Charles Hendrickson Brower

I can't possibly tell you the ideas or dreams that I have had all in one post. Nore would you even want to hear them... Ideas are like special little seeds. They come with a tingling feeling of the miraculous. They each start with a feeling that they could change the world. Magical, enchanting, exciting.... Some have been so secret that only God and I know that they are there- hidden in the corners of my heart, my mind, my soul- seedlings, waiting to grow, or growing slowly... some have grown and eventually bloomed into something worthwhile, something wonderful. Some have bore fruit of their own. Which is amazing. That this small idea can turn into something to be proud of, to praise God for- something to show off and hopefully see others inspired by my otherwise little seeds of dreams.
Others have come and died or been killed off- like the quote above says, either by myself or someone else. They all are very fragile at first. They have to be cared for, watched, inspected, learned about, encouraged.  Like the public service on TV- "Know before you Grow" - We have to gain the knowledge, know-how to move forward. Not just the inspiration does that. It's given to us for a reason- what we choose to do with it is up to us.
This is why it is so important for us to put things down on paper. Write it down, log it, journal it, face it! I have a good friend (whom I have not seen in years) who reached out to me about my writing. It was so touching that he would take the time to say, "What's up? Why are you not writing? It might not be all about you- do it!" (I am completely summarizing here!) How did he know I needed a good kick in the pants? All I can say is it was a God wink** to me and I took it as just that- a nudge to get moving and get writing.
Do you have a dream/idea/vision of something that you know you want/need/have to do? If you don't then find something that inspires you. It might be: art, music, theater, architecture, a book, a movie, a child, an event... whatever it is that you feel the creative juices flowing... plan it, do it!  Ideas will come unexpected. Buy a few small notebooks and put one by your bed, in your purse. I put notes, quotes, ideas- on my phone. Go to the park on a nice day, browse a fun site like Pinterest, or read a blog!
The next step is putting some fertilizer on it making it grow... Get another opinion, study, research it, learn about what you want to do, take a class. Hear from an expert. ----- Be careful! This is the time when many dreams die off.... be gentle and if you really want it to happen- protect it! Not everyone you tell about something will be supportive. I have had people in my life that have pushed and squashed many a dream I have had.... I have and continue to struggle with  some of my dreams because of it. Don't let this happen to you. Move above it, past it, around it..., jump over it! Do whatever it takes to get that idea to fruition.
Get out among the people around you and dream! Let me know what you think... I will support you!
OK to all my blog reading friends- I know you like to hear where I am on this weight loss journey. I am at 350 lbs. -down almost 5 since my last post. I am back in gear to start moving and going back to a low carb, high veggie, real food diet. I am getting my blood sugar back to normal levels with the help of my doctor and meds. I am taking lots of vitamins and making healthier choices. I just got a full time permanent job with benefits! Dan and I are committed to walking and getting healthy as we care for our parents who are not aging gracefully. 
Blessings Plus-