
Saturday, November 20, 2010


I am a food addict.... I am a stress eater.... There I said it. It's out there. I never thought (until recently) that either of those titles pertained to me. Now, I know that some of you are scratching your heads..."What she didn't realize she was a stress eater/ food addict? That's Impossible!" This is precisely what my wonderful husband said to me just the other day. I have looked at others as those things but, I didn't see the fingers pointing back at me. That is crazy that I have just realized this insider information. It's good information to know on this journey I am on. What can trigger me to eat, and eat and eat some more. It is not always what, but who, or when? I hope that is part of the battle. The recognition of who I am.

What does it mean? It means that I have identified SOME of the issues. I am taking charge of the things that I can change and relying on God for the things that I cannot change. This is BIG stuff!

 My Aunt Mary sent me an email today with a great quote: "If you want your dreams to come true- You can't oversleep!" How true is that? I feel like I have finally sprung from a long winters nap.... Or some kind of lifetime nap like Rumpelstiltskin. This is my fight; I am in it to win it...My FOOD FIGHT.

I am starting again today. I have some great news for you all my followers. I have been approached by a friend who is a personal trainer - he has this web sight he is making a place for my blog on his sight where people can read and connect to my blog and be inspired by what we already have going here. I am so excited. His sight is really's FREE and it includes articles, food charts, helpful hints and great information on what to do and how to do it- to become and stay fit. I will be tracking my food journals online and will be soon posting my weight and measurements. I need to see it to keep the progress "real" and make myself accountable. Please check out his sight and leave me a message about what you think.


P.s. Please pray for my wonderful friend Angie, she is a missionary in Haiti in the heart of where the earthquake hit... Port Du Prince. She works at and with an orphanage there and they need funding desperately to feed the children that they have now. Money is also needed to build a bigger orphanage and school for the children so desperate for love. The web sight is and to give Their story is there on the web sight. She has a blog called "Mission Possible" on BlogSpot. She is an amazing ambassador for our Lord...she is truly His hands of hope to a hurting world! God bless you Angie- I love you girlie!