
Friday, December 9, 2011

Truth and the Battle continues....

I started this blog in September 2010.... @ 380.8 lbs.  That was truth! The big "Fat" scary TRUTH! We are all here a year and 3 months later and the TRUTH is still looming bigger and yet a little lighter than back then... I am at 354.3 lbs. - the number is lower and yet still seems insurmountable in so many ways. I know- I didn't put it on over night, and I can't expect to take it off over night either.... but, I could have done better.

For the last 2-3 months I wasn't sleeping well, I was feeling kinda dizzy here and there,  and was noticing something odd.... I was loosing my hair! Crazy- I know.... but, after I started looking things up on the wonderful world wide web.... I found out that my sugar was out of control.... Type 2 diabetes will cause you to loose your hair!

Before I  found that out.... Dan and I went out to lunch on a Sunday after church and had- what I would have called a healthy brunch... I had an omelet, a glass of OJ and a muffin.... after we ate we stopped by my Dad's to visit and I took my blood sugar.... it was 491!!!!! OMG!!!! I was a little terrified...although I didn't show it, questions flooded my mind..... What did I eat? Why is it so high? What did I do? What can I do? Shouldn't I be feeling horrible? What's the answers? What can I do to FIX it? so I went to the Doctor, he upped my medicine, I'm checking my blood sugar twice a day, and.... Our bodies are amazing.... If you study anything about how your body works.... we could not just have evolved..... God had His hand in every molecule and still does.... with out Him we are DUST!

In saying all this- My previous Doctor had told me it was OK for me not to check my blood sugar as he though it was high but we were in control of it with the medicine I was on.... NOT TRUE! I had not gotten a blood glucose meter because I didn't want to spend the money (test strips were expensive) to find out I was not doing OK? What kind of logic is that?  Not wise.... if you need it get it! Don't just think your okay because you feel fine.... if everything is pointing to something wrong...there is something wrong!

I am on track focused and ready to win! January here I come....

Truth and the second year....


Truth and the battle continues....

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Moms Dr. Office is a Cult! and Auditions- This could be my new begining!

Yesterday, I took my mother to get her pshyc exam done at her new Dr.'s office. It is at a weight loss institute here in St. Louis. I was totally creeped out. Mom is at a point that she can no longer walk because of her weight and a really bad hip that needs to be replaced. She cannot have it replaced until she looses weight. She needs hernia surgery, her bladder lifted, rotator cuff repaired and her hip replaced. All cannot be done until she looses weight.  So, she is on her path to get a lap band.  Okay- on to the creepy part- I wheel her in and everyone that comes in office is like a walking talking billboard for lap band or gastric bypass surgery. They would sign in and immediately focus on I am the largest person in the waiting room and start telling me the joys of life after they had IT done. Of course, I ask about their complications and nodding I oblige a smile and a wink* at what they have been through.  I am there- now- in the midst of the glory of their GREAT weight loss. It was a cult like atmosphere.... all happy and cheerleadery---- "Do this- Have the Surgery! You can do it too! Gooooo You!"  The only thing is most of them did not look healthy.... they did not look like their bodies should.... eyes sunken, skin hanging, sickly..... scary like big eyed dolls! 
This could be my fate....sooner than I would like to think!
Today are the local auditions for my favorite show of all time- Biggest Loser! I  watch the show faithfully every season dreaming that I could be a part of it all. Each season, I fall in love with the heart of each one of the people on the show. I love that every time it's on, I see people I know who have all the same struggles I do.... emotional, comfort, stress, obsessive, food loving people...make a change to win the battle in their life and make themselves HEALTHY physically, improve mentally and gain the knowledge and commitment that they need with motivation and trainers - to kick them in the seat of the pants! They turn couch potatoes to marathon runners in just a few short is truly amazing to watch... I love it.  The problem is I get motivated when the show is on and then slowly go back to my old habits giving in again when the show is not on weekly.
I have got to get healthy, as I see my parents health slip, day after day. Mom making the changes- no matter how drastic.  Dad- everyday on dialysis at home. Myself- every time I go to the doctor he adds, yet another pill to take.....
Going to the audition today- I am nervous and excited! I can't even imagine what could happen. Could I be a motivator to hundreds of others at home? God, created me for a purpose.... this could be......something grand!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is eating at you?

Oh a fat little gerbil makes me smile! Some things like baby fat is cute, nice, fun..... but, FAT on the rest of us is well.... NOT!

Yesterday after having an especially stressful day- work was hectic, dealing with family issues, taking care of things I don't want to.... having to let people down when I can't do something, or help the way I would like too.... Things well, were a little chaotic...and as I sat riding in the van with my sweet husband.... after we had a nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant.... not over eating at all.... I realized I was wanting that- so full I am sick feeling.....

the tears came...
 and all I could think about, all I wanted was, well to EAT, eat, and to eat...lots of wonderful creamy, fried, salty, sweet or otherwise food....

This has been my escape for years.

I cried.... realizing, that I was wanting to fill up with food the whole were emotions that I did not want to deal with should be....
I thought...
is my brain really that messed up? That all I can think about is food when I am stressed?
 YES! I have done this for the last 40+ years of my life.....

 I sat in the van and cried.... the ugly- boo hoo kind of cry..... as tears fell,
 I knew it was cleansing cry....

 Knowing when and where this happens is a good thing. I assume it's the same thing that a person who is addicted to drugs, sex, or alcohol feels.... as you take each step of the day and all the things just pile on you.... you get to that place that you crack.... or do crack! ARGH! In my case it would be a King sized Hershey's Symphony bar...all to myself- that I would pick up on my trip to Walgreen's.

 But, this time I didn't!
 I realized what I was going through and just wanted out!
 As we got home, my hunny and I decided ( as I had been promising) to go for a late night swim.  I complained a bit and then arguably agreed to go.

I hiked my butt up to our pool..... we have a nice small pool at our condo. I took a dip....the water was warm and wonderful.... I could live there if no one could see me.... It was refreshing...and I didn't eat. I filled that time with relaxing and recharging in the well as some exercise. I slept great last night....

Find something that makes you smile.... leaves you feeling refreshed and full... that's not food!

I am ready to go swimming again.... going to get my suit on! Ya coming?

:) Miki

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sing, sing a song...make it simple, to last your whole life long....

Don't worry if it's not good enough for anyone else to hear....Just Sing....sing a song... La la la la Laaa, la La, la la la la....

Our life- in song.... Who cares what others think! It's our song! It can be good, cheesy, bad, short, long, simple or complex! If it makes you feel good sing it.

I am a person who loves music, songs, melodies, and lyrics. The poetry of a song, some tell a story, some are just for fun- to make us feel good! James Brown- "I FEEL GOOD!" What a feeling right song! If you are anything like me, I have used music in my life to play along with my moods and my feelings about the world at that time in the history of the world. My place holders in time. Songs like- Bonnie Rates- "I can't make you love me" - hit me in the heart many times.... It can still make me cry.... Vesta- "Congratulations" -Oh my, I have sung that song at the top of my lungs with my windows down a few times! Oh the emotional times I put myself through for Love...or so I thought.  Love is grand. Life is good.... add a little salt and pepper and there it is.... Enjoy it.

In dealing with ageing parents- as of late..."When I am 64"- Beatles...sorry (focus) I have had people around me tell me lately that- "I sure am taking it well!" What life throws at you, sometimes is not your ideal choices.... (after all I am in my pj's at 1:30pm today) I know that God has a plan, He is in control, He knows what the future holds for me, and I know He will work things out for my good. Sometimes, I get cranky.... and my Hunny feels the brunt of it.... (I know it's hard to believe) but, he is sweet and knows that I am dealing with things the best way I can....I hope to be a help to him through all this stuff.  His mom was recently diagnosed with dementia and it has been a challenge- to say the least. Daily trips to her new assisted/senior apartment. Trying to make sure that she is taken care of everyday- eating, laundry, bathing...etc...  Plus, work, church, church, and my parents. It's a lot.

So call it denial, call it slap happy, maybe it is my second wind- which reminds me---- Sing, Sing a song..... sing out LOUD, sing out STRONG!!!!!!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Working on the Inside!

For the past 10 weeks I have been a part of a small group called, "Making Peace with Your Past" it has been quite a journey

Monday, May 30, 2011

Don't read this post- unless you mean it!

Oh, I have been bad, very very bad.....

What does that mean? It means I have been taking care of others and not me. Unfortunately, that means if I do that long enough...there will not be any of me left to take care of the others that I need to take care of.  It means we have been eating out almost every meal instead of taking the time to go to the grocery store and buy some healthy stuff for us to fix. It means I haven't been exercising, I haven't been praying (except in desperation- "Oh Lord Help me now!") It means I have not been getting the things accomplished to get to where God wants me to be....where I want me to be.... where anyone would like me to be. It means I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Do you mean it? Do I mean it?

I am amazed that my husband puts up with me and my thoughts, words and deeds. He is a saint. He loves me no matter what. I hope that everyone out there has at least one person in their life like that.... I know you do...even if it doesn't feel like you do. God is there- our Father who wants to make His presents known in your life. There is a pastor here in St. Louis- that does short commercials FOR GOD. One I love fits here.... A powerful prayer that you can pray is, "God show me your real, make yourself known in my life." - I love that.... my other pastor friend- says, "God is not mad at you!" That is so powerful. We need to accept the forgiveness that God has for us.

How many times have we messed up? We have let the business take what time we have and not LIVED our LIFE! I have quoted this before but, it fits here again- In the movies- there are Leading Ladies and Best Friends- Don't miss out on being the Leading Lady of your own life. That always fits for me. I was voted by my high school class- Most likely to become an Artist (wasn't I already one?) and  Most likely to be every ones Best Friend -(Very sweet, that was me! Nice, sweet, a best friend. A Leading Lady, nope!) I have a problem with taking the second seat in what I want to accomplish. In my weight, in my ability, in my talents and in my time. We have a talent in all of us that God wants to use for HIS glory.... God holds us as precious- why don't we? We are his special child.... the one He calls by name.  I love the scripture that says....he knows even how many hairs are on our head. (Matthew 10:28-30) I know that Dan loves me...but, he would never sit count the hairs on my head- just because he loves me..... That is crazy love. I think that we think from time to time...when we allow life's problems to get us down, that God is too busy for us. I sometimes pray that He will take care of everything but, me. If He would do all that then, I could focus on other stuff.  I know however, that He is taking care of all the stuff and me. I don't have breath without Him. So, it comes back to me and how I handle the stuff and me. Or me and the stuff.

So, I have to make a plan. Initiate it and make it happen.
1. Make a menu for the week.
2. Go for a walk everyday.
3. Buy a swimsuit- Pool opened today.... will be in it this week- to aqua size!
4. Make healthy meals for me and Dan.
5. Take the time to journal and write.

Okay- it looks pretty easy.... now the hard part... DOING IT! We are more than conquers! We are Champions! We are Princes and Princesses! We are able to do more than we can think. Do it!

Do you mean it?
It takes commitment and dedication...
Do you mean it?
It takes WORK, time, money, energy...
Do you mean it?
It takes being the Captain, Leading Lady, the Force...
Do you mean it?
It may take seeing the dietitian- you keep putting off...
Do you mean it?
It may mean spending money on a trainer or going to a gym....
Do you mean it?
It may mean getting you butt outta bed at the unknown hour of 4 am...
Do you mean it?  Do I mean it? YES! I do..... Do you? Really?
What are you willing to commit to make it happen for you?  Let me know where you are starting? What is your first steps?

I am praying for your success! Pray for mine!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Kicking a Box of Snakes

On the news on Sunday night, Osama Bin Laden had been killed.

 Wow, I had not even thought about him in a very long while. I am not a news buff- my husband is. I don't like to watch much of news- it just gets me down. One of my favorite teachers growing up, was Mrs. Lauren Davis. She was my art teacher and a child of the 60's-70's. During the time when I was in her class, the space shuttle had blown up with one of the teachers in it. I can remember Mrs. Davis saying to the class, as she had a TV brought in for us to watch, that these are the markers of our lives. The places that will bookmark time. Big events in the world. Times that we will remember because of the feelings that hold a place for that time and date. She started talking about where she was when it was announced that President Kennedy had been shot. It still brought tears for her. The uncertainty of that day- so many years later still brought up the panic that our nation felt on that day. Raw emotions with no real sense of wellness or wholeness still.... the bewilderment of that day still hung heavy on her heart. A beloved and great President was gone. It didn't make sense.

Back to Sunday night, I was amazed as I saw young people gather in front of the White House- cheering. Not that I am not proud of our troops and the job that they have done. Praise God that we are as safe as we can be and that I had not even thought about OBL in a good long while. Anyone who travels remembers 9-11 here in on OUR ground, American soil a disastrous tragedy occurred. It was a Tuesday morning and I can remember my roommate Malissa telling me to get up a plane has flown into the World Trade Center in NY. I was at home and on our TV in the living room, there it was just as she had said, it was as if I were watching a movie; then another plane flys into the other tower.  The close up shots that they we getting live were devastating, people jumping out of the windows. Could this even really be happening.... Where were our troops and the planes....all flights were stopped.... cut off....planes were missing, we were in chaos, where is the President? Panic was upon us.... is Armageddon was real? today? Were they going to hit every city with our own planes? I stood in my living room in awe of the unknown, I stood praying for my family, friends and the people in NY. It was real. It was mind blowing. It was someone attacking what we had thought of as safe, precious, unfailing- The USA. Our mental state of peace as a nation was changed in an instant. By who? who would do such a terrible thing? Why would anyone attack our land? When was it going to end?

This time things have come full circle, or so we think. OBL has been killed. I am a person whom death is not a punishment. Putting a mad man like he was in prison, that would be a punishment. For his never ending cycle of life to be stuck behind bars. The world protected from him. He was evil. Being pro-life means all life, even if it is a life that you think- you would not want it to continue... You do not have a say. Only God does. I do know that we have a military for a reason- to keep us and others safe. I do as many of us feel this sense of security. We don't walk our streets armed (most of us, anyway). We don't have military walking around our grocery stores with rifles- yet. I celebrate our new found sense of safety- but, I cannot celebrate a mans death.

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our safety is this.... a cardboard box of snakes in the room with you.... the flaps are over the top, and they are quiet. One pops his head out of the top and slowly slithers away. Then another does the same.... still feeling uneasy, just because they are snakes. They are close. When they are out and finding protection someplace else...they are still in the room with you.... you walk over to the box to see inside at how many there are in it- you take a peek. Opening the cardboard box- you look inside... They are still covering the bottom of the box - 10-20 more snakes are inside. As you release the lid one bites your finger... Ouch! I hope it's not deadly. They seem to settle again.  But, this cardboard is your only safety away from them....You are bigger than them. They don't seem to be coming your way when they leave.... but you are uncomfortable just having them in this room with you. You make a decision to try to move the box away....outside. You go over and try to slide it to the door by pushing it with your foot. It makes them hiss. You stop for a bit and then try again...this time you kick it a little.... you want them gone. One, then two more are out and they are mad at you.... but, you are so close to the door..... you kick it again, and the box is outside but the snakes are in attack mode and they are all coming at you. What did you do? This is how I feel about what has been done...America may have killed one big snake....but the others in the box are still growing and they were being trained by the other.... to take over. This extremest Muslim group, is dangerous. We have a false sense of security- It's a cardboard box.... it's not structurally sound. Please everyone pray for our nation. We need to find peace for all. These people walk their streets with guns. It is not a religion of peace. We are taught to love our neighbour as ourselves. This is a kill your enemy group. Christians are taught to love your enemy. We have a hope in our future. It is called Heaven. You don't get extra virgins there for taking out people who don't believe in your god.

 What we know for certain and how sometimes those things we hold on to are all just what we have created to be true.  Psychology- what a major player in our everyday life that people can be confused by a thought, word or deed. They can challenge there own thoughts, emotions, sense of self. All that plays a roll here. That we as Americans feel this sense of security. I hope it is as true as we have always been led to believe it is.... Lord, hear our prayers.

True Peace~

Friday, April 29, 2011

They are Hitched!

Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! The sun popped out of the clouds in the grand city of London, just as the soon to be Duchess of Cambridge exited the long black car with her proud Poppa this morning. Wow! Fairy Tails can come true- they can happen to you...... Oh, can you tell... I am a Royal Wedding Geek! The weddings- just don't happen often enough. Anyone who got up early, like I did to watch the events unfold could tell you- It was GRAND!

Here is an insight to my GEEKY night of prep-
  1. Made paper hats for Dan, Smudge and I to wear to the event! You had to wear a hat- It was on the list of instructions from the Queen.
  2. Researched all that was important info on events of the day.
  3. Set my alarm for 2 am Central, I could see all the guest arrive.
  4. After the guest arrived (Love the hats!) and Wills and Harry got there- I had 1 hour before The Wedding to make breakfast and get Dan up to watch it with me.
  5. Watch the wedding- putting all updates on Face book- Including songs.... it was a wonderful wedding!
  6. Cried during the vows.
  7. Watched for the kiss on the balcony.
  8. NAP!
  9. Dan giving his blessing of the new couple
    Me enjoying a spot of tea
  10. Write on my blog what a geek I am! :)

So, you all now know my madness.... Like I could have hidden it anyway! I do always look for the brightest spot to focus on. Usually?!? This was a wonderful distraction to our lives for just a moment. I know we look back on times like these as bench marks for where we are in our lives and what events have happened around them. I have to get back to reality and the terrible tornadoes last week that happened on Good Friday (which happened to be my birthday) in the St. Louis many lives were uprooted, but, none were lost. Praise God! I, unfortunately, cannot say the same for the tornadoes in Alabama and surrounding states early this week. So many lives lost.... it is a terrible loss. I know that God can use it for our good, for them that love Him. I pray for the families that are here to survive all this destruction. I don't know why it happened. I can tell you that the God I know is a merciful God. Somethings we just will not have the answers to this side of heaven.

Take the time to call a person who means the world to you today and tell them- You love them, that they are special to you and that you are their fan (or Geek in my case)!

The Reverend Eugene Smudge

Monday, April 18, 2011

Oh death were is thy victory, oh grave where is thy sting?

In our family we have faced another earthly life come to a close last night. Daniel's Aunt Velma was in her early 80's and was taken safely home guided by the hand of angels. Promoted to Glory. She was a dear person, whom was loved deeply by her husband, children and grandchildren. I know she will be missed.  As each of us enjoy our daily life- these times always remind me of how short and temporary this life truly is... and how each of us makes an impact in what we do and say to so many round about us.

 I know that Aunt Velma is finally free of the pain that this earth suit she had caused her in the recent past- and for that I am grateful. I praise God, that I know she loved the Lord and that He was her Rock and her foundation- Whom shall I fear? Whom shall I fear? Like the title of this post in 1 Corinthians 15:55 To the person whom is a believer- Death where is thy victory, Grave where is thy sting? We should rejoice in a life well lived. A heart that was true. I am sure that Velma was not perfect, but, hopefully we will set our minds on the good and not the bad. She was sweet to me, she had a beautiful smile and had a contagious laugh. Those are the things I will hold onto of her until we meet again on the other side of heaven.

For any of you whom have known loss, the pain of suffering and the fear of loneliness.... please know that there are people out there who care about you. Care how you are feeling, care about your loss and your sadness. Find someone to talk to.... a friend, co-worker, priest, pastor, doctor, or even a relative. Let them know the pain you are in - they will be there. If you are someone whom you feel that no one is there listening- Call out to God- ask Him to listen- He is there to meet you where you are at. Ask Him for help guidance and peace.... His grace can meet you just where you are..... He is Love. He will share His presence with you- the aroma of heaven. Only He can make it right. Trust that He will. 

Peace, healing and Grace to you-

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Here I am afraid and yet totally unafraid

I went to a retreat this weekend with my Aunt Mary. Who is one of the people in my life that has always said- "Do it" supporting whatever my wise idea was at the time. She has always been one of the people who I know is pushing me ever so gently with a loving supportive hand on my back. She is amazing, she has been through so much in her life, she has raised an amazing kid (he is my Godson so I am kinda biased) She is a lover of nature, dogs and God. She teaches me something every time I am with her. She has strength. I hope that I have that kind of inner strength when I am her age (which is not so far off).

The retreat this weekend was put on by a woman who has faced great tragedy in her life. About 25 years ago, her husband and young daughter were killed by a drunk driver, she was 3 months pregnant with their second child when this happened and she was devastated, as anyone would be. She said she was in such a bad way that she didn't know how to grieve and everyone around her just looked at her with great pity. She said, that during that time following the accident that God challenged her faith, her love and her hope for the future. She went to work for a ministry answering letters from around the world. She found out that she was not the only one out in the world living with this pain, loss of love, joy and hope. She said, that she was told by a man of God, to stop grieving her agenda for her life and just grieve her loss and move on with what God's plan was for her life. Wow!!! That really hit me!!! How many times do we have a plan or a dream and we think something should go this way- and it doesn't, and then we question God? Why? Why didn't this go like I thought it should go? Why didn't you work that out for me? and God says, Um' hello- quit having a pity party and move on with what I have planned for you. What? You mean my thoughts are not God's thoughts? Psalms 94:11 Ahhh...Nope that would make me God- and that I am not! His word says our thoughts are not His thoughts and our plans are not His plans. Isaiah 55:8

 This speaker at the retreat- said that even the rocks cry out in praise to God- Luke 19:40 everything we do should praise and magnify the Lord. Everything? Is that possible? To live our life everyday to God's glory? That seems like alot to ask? or maybe it's nothing to ask at all.... Stop, be still and listen to His voice in our walk, listen to the Spirit of God. Don't be afraid to live your life without fear, fear of rejection, fear of not accomplishing something, fear of hurt, sadness or pain. Live it with love- abundant Love, not asking what people think, not caring if you haven't done it all right.... Just do it.... This seems to be a recurring statement with me. I am trying to take my own advice. Just Do It! Stop making excuses and Do it! (I better watch out Nike will want a payback for me using there slogan!)

The other things this lady said were amazing stories of Gods goodness to her and how she was eventually grateful to the drunk driver..... What? Did she say grateful to the person whom had taken away so much from her life? Yep, she said that not only had she forgiven them but, that she was grateful- they had shown her how she had limits to her love. She knew that God wanted her to show love to all mankind and  that if she couldn't love this person- She was limiting the love of God that she would flow through her.... Wow! I was convicted. I place limits all the time on my love of others. I used to pray that God would give me a compassionate heart for the unlovely, the hurting and the lost. Now, I have to pray that God will allow His love to show through me to everyone that He wants that love to flow to.... That's BIG love!

My challenge for the week- to show God's love to someone- meet someone where they are at.... work, gas station, hospital, grocery store, or a friend in need.  Let them know you care!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

R U Holidazed?

As I prepare for the new year, I always try to look back at the what, why, how, where and when of the Holidays and asked myself many questions….
Why do I eat until I don't feel well? When did I over do it and why? Did I see everyone I wanted to over the weeks of Holiday events? Did I get to spend enough time with each person? How will the people around me remember the holiday this year? Did we have enough or too much for everyone? Including gifts and food, decorations and fun?
These are just a few that I ask myself during this time of year. I was in retail for many years and I always was stressed out- just because of the time I had to spend at work…gearing up for the holiday sales and then the extra time spent marking things down to make room for new spring goods. It was so much to do, in such a short period of time; and Corporate expected big numbers and great customer service, which included, hiring and training a new Christmas staff. What joy! And so on and so on….I can truly say I am so glad to be away from all the stress of Christmas retail! I still start getting wacked out just before Thanksgiving…and I have to constantly remind myself(and my wonderful husband Dan does also!)…. "Peace, Peace, wonderful peace…coming down from the Father above!"
You have to take the time to remember what the holiday is all about and what you can and can't do. The holiday will still go on. Christmas will still happen weather you hang a ball on a tree or not!
All of the holiday hub bub gets me excited….crazy…. Let down… it is an emotional rollercoaster- which means eating for me- for others it's spending too much, relational strain, and just being physically tired out! Does any of this relate?
I know I eat cuz' I love food- all the great goodies everyone so tiresly prepares. My family events have always been "food driven". A social gathering around a big meal. The stress is: what to fix? What can I make better than before? What old favorites do we have to have? What's not just my favorites, but what is everyone's favorites who will be there? Will it make me happy to have it, eat it or see it be enjoyed by someone I love? It's pressure…why again do we put ourselves through it? I have chatted with a few of my friends about this time of year or for that matter anytime of year that they are, "stressed out." I have to tell you I have met my ultimate…..
A lady at church, that I volunteer with said, "Whenever I am very stressed out for an event- I lose 15 pounds!"
WHAT? Did she just say I thought she did? REALLY? Lose weight because of stress? I can barely fathom the fact that she would not stress eat her way through a big event. She is one of those people whom "forgets to eat." I have always found these people interesting. I would like to become one someday. To be busy enough not to think about food, to not have something to "calm my nerves." I did ask her what she does in those times and she has a better compulsion- CLEANING! Lord, make me a compulsive cleaner.
A new year, means new goals for 2011! One of my goals is to journal…. What I eat, why I eat, when I am hungry, how much water and exercise I had for the day.
Another is, use smaller plates- it's psychological and it works!
Don't stress and mindless eat, get something to do with your hands! A hobby, craft, etc…
My husband and I did a Thanksgiving Homeless Bag project this year. We had never done anything exactly like this, but it was fun and the adults and children loved the bags of hope. They included: gloves, soap, washcloths, toothpaste and brushes, combs, de-odorant, tooth picks, granola bars, candy, Vienna sausages, gift cards, packs of wet wipes, Kleenex, q-tips, and assorted other goodies. We also got 300 teddy bears donated for the kids. It was fun collecting all the stuff and getting friends involved. We did it for those less fortunate and to show the love of Christ to those who don't have at the holiday season.
Go and be a blessing!