
Monday, May 30, 2011

Don't read this post- unless you mean it!

Oh, I have been bad, very very bad.....

What does that mean? It means I have been taking care of others and not me. Unfortunately, that means if I do that long enough...there will not be any of me left to take care of the others that I need to take care of.  It means we have been eating out almost every meal instead of taking the time to go to the grocery store and buy some healthy stuff for us to fix. It means I haven't been exercising, I haven't been praying (except in desperation- "Oh Lord Help me now!") It means I have not been getting the things accomplished to get to where God wants me to be....where I want me to be.... where anyone would like me to be. It means I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Do you mean it? Do I mean it?

I am amazed that my husband puts up with me and my thoughts, words and deeds. He is a saint. He loves me no matter what. I hope that everyone out there has at least one person in their life like that.... I know you do...even if it doesn't feel like you do. God is there- our Father who wants to make His presents known in your life. There is a pastor here in St. Louis- that does short commercials FOR GOD. One I love fits here.... A powerful prayer that you can pray is, "God show me your real, make yourself known in my life." - I love that.... my other pastor friend- says, "God is not mad at you!" That is so powerful. We need to accept the forgiveness that God has for us.

How many times have we messed up? We have let the business take what time we have and not LIVED our LIFE! I have quoted this before but, it fits here again- In the movies- there are Leading Ladies and Best Friends- Don't miss out on being the Leading Lady of your own life. That always fits for me. I was voted by my high school class- Most likely to become an Artist (wasn't I already one?) and  Most likely to be every ones Best Friend -(Very sweet, that was me! Nice, sweet, a best friend. A Leading Lady, nope!) I have a problem with taking the second seat in what I want to accomplish. In my weight, in my ability, in my talents and in my time. We have a talent in all of us that God wants to use for HIS glory.... God holds us as precious- why don't we? We are his special child.... the one He calls by name.  I love the scripture that says....he knows even how many hairs are on our head. (Matthew 10:28-30) I know that Dan loves me...but, he would never sit count the hairs on my head- just because he loves me..... That is crazy love. I think that we think from time to time...when we allow life's problems to get us down, that God is too busy for us. I sometimes pray that He will take care of everything but, me. If He would do all that then, I could focus on other stuff.  I know however, that He is taking care of all the stuff and me. I don't have breath without Him. So, it comes back to me and how I handle the stuff and me. Or me and the stuff.

So, I have to make a plan. Initiate it and make it happen.
1. Make a menu for the week.
2. Go for a walk everyday.
3. Buy a swimsuit- Pool opened today.... will be in it this week- to aqua size!
4. Make healthy meals for me and Dan.
5. Take the time to journal and write.

Okay- it looks pretty easy.... now the hard part... DOING IT! We are more than conquers! We are Champions! We are Princes and Princesses! We are able to do more than we can think. Do it!

Do you mean it?
It takes commitment and dedication...
Do you mean it?
It takes WORK, time, money, energy...
Do you mean it?
It takes being the Captain, Leading Lady, the Force...
Do you mean it?
It may take seeing the dietitian- you keep putting off...
Do you mean it?
It may mean spending money on a trainer or going to a gym....
Do you mean it?
It may mean getting you butt outta bed at the unknown hour of 4 am...
Do you mean it?  Do I mean it? YES! I do..... Do you? Really?
What are you willing to commit to make it happen for you?  Let me know where you are starting? What is your first steps?

I am praying for your success! Pray for mine!