
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New Perspective

When I was a kid, my little brother and I took swimming lessons at a local pool. I was the oldest "tadpole" in the pool. They started us in the shallow with a kick board and told us to hold on and kick as hard as we could. I remember feeling like I was going no where.... Kicking and kicking and being the "big girl/fat kid" it was terrifying to be looked at as the one that wasn't moving... Was I just to big to get my body to go? Why were all the other tadpoles moving right along and leaving me in their wake?

 Maybe, I was not meant to be a swimmer. Period. Either way I felt helpless and fat.... 

Until day 2! 

On day 2.... We learned to float(yippee!) and do the back stroke. I could float better than anyone and then when they told us to kick..... I felt the water start to move... Except then in my feeble mind I thought- well I most likely did not go very far- thinking of the lack in progress the previous day. But, guess what? I made it to the other end of the pool! My thought was no movement, but, the reality was I was swimming to the other side! It was magic! It was wonderful! 

Fast forward to today... I had a doctors visit this last Monday along with my Hubby. He and I have been on a new eat fresh, real food, low carb, life change to get healthy and make some changes for the last 4 weeks. When you go to the doctor - what is the first thing you have to do? Weigh! Hop on that scale - Face the numbers. (For many years I would face the opposite way- as to not have to look at the reading) I faced it this time and thought... ok... There it is... It's real. I'm good. Right? I have been working on it. The number was not as low as I would have liked to have seen being on this new life change course, but, I know I am working on it. After our 15 minutes with the doc, he says "I haven't seen you in awhile. Do you realize how much you have lost since then? 25 lbs.!" I'm in shock- really? Just like back in the pool.... My perspective was off!  My thinking was based on inaccurate information. 

How often do we believe what we play in our minds as false info? The old computer saying, "garbage in, garbage out!" -fits here! What are we putting in as a rational place, goal, settings as a standard for ourselves? It might not be food as your mountain, it might be drinking, lying, gambling, drugs or whatever your addiction is... Sometimes a new perspective us what is needed.  

1 Corinthians 13:11-12

When I was a child, I talked like a child; I thought like a child; I made plans like a child. When I became a man, I stopped those childish ways. It is the same with us. Now we see like we are looking into a dark mirror. But at that time, in the future, we shall see clearly. Now I know only a part. But at that time I will know fully, like God has known me.

God knows us.... Really knows us- nothing is hid from Him... And guess what? He still loves us! He knows our lies, secrets of our hearts, when we make excuses... Play games with our own hearts. He knows us - He made us. Just as someone who is a master clock maker would know his own work and what makes a watch tick.... God knows what makes us tick. 

Take a breath. 
Take a moment.
Ask someone you trust for true advice.
Ask God for help with your plan. Pray.
Make a plan!

Peace plus,