
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wings to Fly!

Have you ever watched a baby bird busting out of it's shell and then stretching it's little wings to eventually fly? They fumble about- for the first bit but, then after extending their dainty wings as far as they can from their- oh so cumbersome bodies-
They start to get it....
They start to feel their strength...
To do what God has designed them to do...
To fly....
Fly in the freedom of the wings that they were given...
Fly as high in the air-  as high as they have been given the courage to go.

I think birds must be born with a barrel full of bravery. In comparison- I am the baby bird that flew out of the nest...but, moved just down the tree to another nest. I said that it was just so I would know that the other big birds up in the other nests were okay (This is what I told myself.)

My Dad passed away on August 11, 2012.

I think if you met my Dad, Charlie- you would say he was a Christian... he had a kind heart and good nature. He was not a super spiritual guy... I think he prayed and talked to God a lot. When I was younger anytime I left the house to go to church...he would say, "Say a prayer for your old Dad and make sure you tell God we need some Hot or Cold weather!" The hot/cold depended on what time of year it was- he started his own heating and a/c business when I was 8 years old- so this is what he sat at the kitchen counter for endless hours thinking about. Success. Success in the work of his hands. Success in how he ran his business. Success as a boss. Success as a son. Success as a man. He spent more time working to achieve success than helping raise my brothers and myself. To him this was success. It disconnected him emotionally from us, but to him, it was providing and that was his ultimate goal. He taught us how to work hard and that is a cherished commodity these days.

My Dad's favorite scripture was Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

It's an odd thing to go through, this thing we call "grief". Each day as friends, relatives and co-workers sweetly ask, "How are you doing?" Sometimes you find a warm heart and a listening ear, or helpful advice and some people just stay away...not for any other reason than they just don't know what to say and they don't want to make you cry or they still haven't dealt with their own sadness in the loss of a loved one.

My Dad was my backer.... I knew if I got in trouble too deep- he was there. It's almost like now I have to finally fully trust God.... not that I wasn't before and not that I don't still have other people in my life I can rely on. But, it's different. Some how I related it to the stretch of wings to fly. To trust your own instincts. I no longer have to try to please my earthly Father.... now it's just me and God. I am growing at 43.... I guess this "grief" could be called growing pains. Learning how to trust that still small voice again...make it louder Lord, please!

This is my prayer today:
Lord, help me to know how to fly. Help me to know how to angle my wings to get the most wind. Keep me from stumbling. Make me brave. Give me wisdom. Help me to be a more loving and caring friend to anyone who has suffered loss. Let my healing be a testimony that you are my provider, my comfort, my hiding place. I love you, Lord. Make sure my Dad knows how much I miss him. Give him a big hug from me... I know he likes those.