I am 42. I have enough wrinkles that I can no longer wear my one time favorite eye shadow...because it has too much frostiness (if that's a word). It shows too many of my wrinkles on my eye lids. I also have adult acne. What's up with that God? My Mom used to tell me to be happy I had such oily skin...it would make my face not wrinkle so much later on... That was true. I guess. I thought one day that I would no longer have acne. I guess I have to buy some Proactive and Oil of Olay! What up wit DAT????
Do you ever wonder what we do to ourselves to make us - what we think is presentable to the world around us?
My wonderful husband- Dan, says when I put on make-up, it's like I am painting a peacock! He is very sweet, but, I will continue to buffer the rest of the outside world from the ruddy zit fest which I look at every morning. Where did we ever get the idea that we should wear what we do? What is presentable? What do we want to present? I know by looking the way I do physically right now...that I am not putting my best look out there right now. I am aware of looks I get when I go out- that people are so judgemental.
My huny works in in the mental health field with clients that are either mentally and or physically challenged. He has such compassion for these people. I know that I have judged someone just on how they looked. I am trying to do better and know that no matter how someone looks...they are all God's children and they just need love and respect for who's they are....whether they know it or not.
We all need to have the same respect for ourselves...we are all perfect in His sight! We need to see ourselves the way God sees us.... we are His children. It is so hard not to judge ourselves by whatever guides us.... so keep something positive in front of your eyes...whether it is a quote or a scripture...or a slogan.... post it someplace you need to see it.
Some more goals:
1. Drink plenty of water. I started this when I started working in an office. Kinda hard in retail...with no bathroom breaks.
2. To be comfortable to fit and sit in a booth with my husband.
3. Walk every night.
4. Take one day a week completely off to have whatever you want for that day...just remember portion control.
5. Make a chart to see my progress.
6. Write down my measurements.
7. Put up quotes in my cube and on the bathroom mirror!
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