I am constantly surprized at where we can find little gems or bits of wisdom these days... as I get older and things get more advanced with each day we are alive. We can find wisdom in the oddist of places. Here are just a few from this morning ...
I hope they don't mind that I copied them:
Matt Westermayer- "And you will never disown us for we know that you are for us. You never leave us for a moment, God."
Angie Todd- Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.
David Crank- It Is Only Until You Stop Listening To Yourself And Begin Talking To Yourself -That Change Will Take Place In Your Life.
Liz Curtis Higgs- So, so true: “Wise sayings often fall on barren ground; but a kind word is never thrown away.” Sir Arthur Helps
Sharon Folse Sellers- Attitude- chose a good one
These friends and others offer little gems into our days....if we choose to listen and get something from each one....We can make the changes that we need to find our path... Our true place that God has for us, for that day and everyday.
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