
Monday, August 30, 2010

Just Do It!!!!!

"Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps...if you are not willing to move your feet!"

 I am willing... I just have to (like the old school Nike commercial says) JUST DO IT!!!!! 

I have not been perfect this last week...although I was proud of making it through at the Old Time Buffet yesterday. I have been graced with a loss of 10+ lbs.  Now, the challenge begins again...mentally, I just want to eat something fried. I have made a commitment to myself and God and you wonderful friends to continue forward!  I know in time the fried stuff will not look so appealing and I will actually crave good stuff for me. God- hear my's like a cocaine addict.... I know it's extremely bad for me...yet I crave it...I wake up in the middle of the night and would get dressed to get it. How wrong it that? I am sick! We all are that crave something enough that we wake up thinking about it. I want to allow myself that time to be creative....draw something... do not go to the fridge. I don't need it...I just want it.

Dan and I have committed to weigh on Monday mornings. That's when I will post to you all what I have lost so I am down to 369.4.... which I just got out the calculator and it's actually 11.4 lbs! Wow. 

It is possible and we can- JUST DO IT!!!!!


  1. So proud Miki! And motivated. I know the struggle but that just makes the rewards feel so much better. Keep strong! And I'll keep reading...maybe I'll even start a journey of my own!

  2. Miki, this is the first chance I've had to check out your blog. I’m so proud of you.

    First let me say have no idea how much I understand the struggle. I in fact drove home tonight talking myself out of stopping for a Chocolate Shake all the way home, I was convinced that it would make the issues of my day go away. The battle of food is truly like no other. It’s a daily battle of the flesh, but one WE CAN Concur! Everyday give it to God and remember everyday won't be perfect, it isn't for anyone no matter what they might tell us. I believe what starts to happen is God teaches us how to make better choices and by giving our addiction to Him it shows we Love & Trust Him to help us through it By passing up the shake tonight I showed Him I love my health and this precious temple He gave me more than I love that shake.
    I’m with you girl all the way, and please remember when you have set backs, you start again the next meal. If I eat bad at lunch I eat really good an dinner and I don’t beat myself up or allow that to be an excuse to quit. It took me a long time to get there but it works! I love ya and today is one step closer to better health and that’s really what our goal should be.


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