Starting with just opening our eyes to face the day. I understand what it's like to feel like- 'why did another day have to come... I have messed up so many I can't make this one any better... I will just stay in bed.' When Dan and I got married, I had been laid off from my job. We had moved the trailer he owned to a tiny town just south of East St. Louis, Illinois, and I was depressed.... I had no car, no money, no job, and nothing to do but clean a trailer that I didn't want to live in and be useless. We were edging closer to bankruptcy everyday and it was sucky. After we finally went broke and lost the trailer... We moved to an apartment, I got a job... Soon after we moved my Mom moved in with us for a year and during the same time his Mom for about 6 months... I was stressed out... But, God delivers us all out of our troubles. If your in a trial don't stop... Keep going and you'll make it through.
I said all that to say this - it is our choices we make that determine our can apply to eatting right, exercise, taking medicine, our career, home life, family..... It all comes back to what choices we make... What directions we go. Not to say that Gods mercy cannot get us through, but, we should be guided by his Spirit in us and not pushing away that "still small voice" that tells us, "be kind to that lady" "don't have sweet tea- just regular is fine" "don't cut that car off just because he is trying to get ahead of you."
My inner voice says things like that to me daily... The voice of God says to us daily in His word, You are precious to me, like a pearl of great price, a rare gem, fine gold... Treasured by me- you are mine- see yourself through my eyes, you are royalty to me, I desire to spend time with you, share your hopes and dreams with me. I want you to feel my love for you as you never have before. To know that I am with you. Always in all ways.
It comes back to decisions... Stop, learn, and listen.
Can we do it? Do we want it bad enough? Is it our passion? Will I use this situation as a catalyst to grow and change or will I use it to beat myself up? Is this an act of loving myself or self destruction? Am I choosing an act of faith or an act of fear?
Wow... Those are tuff! Some are from a book called, "The right questions" the author goes on to quote Anthony Robbins, "Quality questions create quality life."
As I get older I hope that wisdom follows me and I make more right decisions and less wrong ones.
A weight watcher leader once said, "Just because you ran a stop sign, does it mean you continue to violate all other traffic laws for the rest of the day? NO? Then why would you continue to make unhealthy eating choices after you made just one?"
a lot to chew on.... 4 fingers pointing back at me!
You are the most amazing person I've ever met! Thank you for inspiring me, everyday... You are such an inspiration to the many who are reading these entries. You are truly being GOD's hand of hope to those who need a reminder of His love. Thank you for being you! -Dan