As we all close in on the final months of this 2010, we will all start looking back at what the year included for each one of us. For me, it was a fresh start in many areas like: my job, my home, and my weight. Although, I did get a late start on that last one! It has been challenged to Dan and myself to loose 50 pounds before Christmas. I would problem, that will be easy! BUT, the holidays are almost upon us and all I can say is God is great, He is helping me on this path and I will do the best I can to not make bad choices!
As you all know, I started this blog with posting my weight and letting you and ME know how I was going to look at this MOUNTAIN facing me in the mirror. I have had GREAT weeks and not so great weeks and I can say.... I am IN it to WIN it! On my not so great weeks...I still ate okay...not great...and I didn't exercise. I know how much better it makes me feel when I do.... I sleep better, over-all feel better and it makes you think about what you are putting in this body to FUEL the machine.
OK- confession time. I currently weigh 369. I have only lost 12 lbs. since I started. I know that this is 12lbs. that I have not carried around for the last 2 months... but, I feel like I am still totally focused and need just that little push to get my engine reved up again.
Last night as I got off work- I grabbed the dog and started walking... I love the fall coooolll weather! Love it, love it, love IT!!!! I am in at least 3rd gear and am hitting it up this week. Hopefully, my hours at work will be changing soon and I will be on an earlier shift, and that will help too. Also, I am going to write down all I eat this week and make myself accountable.
On another note, Dan and I were chatting Sunday night.... as He is the Director of Anglicans for Life St. Louis and I said to him we need to come up with something that all the people we know would love to help with...just by shopping for a few things we could make a big impact. So...we decided that we would start a "Thanksgiving Homeless Bag Project". It entails gathering goods for a group to go out on Thanksgiving morning and hand out Downtown St. Louis to the homeless community. To share from our hearts and give of what we have to those who don't have in our community. We are placing toiletries and goodies in gallon sized Ziploc freezer bags for distribution. I am overwhelmed already with the response from family and friends for the event. It makes me happy to know that it just takes a plan and action to make things happen!
It's proof that with a God given idea...and getting the WORD out that it can happen. Kinda like what I am doing here.... Getting the word out that- Our God is an Awesome God! He can and will do above all we ask or even think. (I am thinking a size 18 sounds fabulous!)
I am giving it to you God- take it and use it- up!
Blessings +
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