
Friday, April 29, 2011

They are Hitched!

Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! The sun popped out of the clouds in the grand city of London, just as the soon to be Duchess of Cambridge exited the long black car with her proud Poppa this morning. Wow! Fairy Tails can come true- they can happen to you...... Oh, can you tell... I am a Royal Wedding Geek! The weddings- just don't happen often enough. Anyone who got up early, like I did to watch the events unfold could tell you- It was GRAND!

Here is an insight to my GEEKY night of prep-
  1. Made paper hats for Dan, Smudge and I to wear to the event! You had to wear a hat- It was on the list of instructions from the Queen.
  2. Researched all that was important info on events of the day.
  3. Set my alarm for 2 am Central, I could see all the guest arrive.
  4. After the guest arrived (Love the hats!) and Wills and Harry got there- I had 1 hour before The Wedding to make breakfast and get Dan up to watch it with me.
  5. Watch the wedding- putting all updates on Face book- Including songs.... it was a wonderful wedding!
  6. Cried during the vows.
  7. Watched for the kiss on the balcony.
  8. NAP!
  9. Dan giving his blessing of the new couple
    Me enjoying a spot of tea
  10. Write on my blog what a geek I am! :)

So, you all now know my madness.... Like I could have hidden it anyway! I do always look for the brightest spot to focus on. Usually?!? This was a wonderful distraction to our lives for just a moment. I know we look back on times like these as bench marks for where we are in our lives and what events have happened around them. I have to get back to reality and the terrible tornadoes last week that happened on Good Friday (which happened to be my birthday) in the St. Louis many lives were uprooted, but, none were lost. Praise God! I, unfortunately, cannot say the same for the tornadoes in Alabama and surrounding states early this week. So many lives lost.... it is a terrible loss. I know that God can use it for our good, for them that love Him. I pray for the families that are here to survive all this destruction. I don't know why it happened. I can tell you that the God I know is a merciful God. Somethings we just will not have the answers to this side of heaven.

Take the time to call a person who means the world to you today and tell them- You love them, that they are special to you and that you are their fan (or Geek in my case)!

The Reverend Eugene Smudge

Monday, April 18, 2011

Oh death were is thy victory, oh grave where is thy sting?

In our family we have faced another earthly life come to a close last night. Daniel's Aunt Velma was in her early 80's and was taken safely home guided by the hand of angels. Promoted to Glory. She was a dear person, whom was loved deeply by her husband, children and grandchildren. I know she will be missed.  As each of us enjoy our daily life- these times always remind me of how short and temporary this life truly is... and how each of us makes an impact in what we do and say to so many round about us.

 I know that Aunt Velma is finally free of the pain that this earth suit she had caused her in the recent past- and for that I am grateful. I praise God, that I know she loved the Lord and that He was her Rock and her foundation- Whom shall I fear? Whom shall I fear? Like the title of this post in 1 Corinthians 15:55 To the person whom is a believer- Death where is thy victory, Grave where is thy sting? We should rejoice in a life well lived. A heart that was true. I am sure that Velma was not perfect, but, hopefully we will set our minds on the good and not the bad. She was sweet to me, she had a beautiful smile and had a contagious laugh. Those are the things I will hold onto of her until we meet again on the other side of heaven.

For any of you whom have known loss, the pain of suffering and the fear of loneliness.... please know that there are people out there who care about you. Care how you are feeling, care about your loss and your sadness. Find someone to talk to.... a friend, co-worker, priest, pastor, doctor, or even a relative. Let them know the pain you are in - they will be there. If you are someone whom you feel that no one is there listening- Call out to God- ask Him to listen- He is there to meet you where you are at. Ask Him for help guidance and peace.... His grace can meet you just where you are..... He is Love. He will share His presence with you- the aroma of heaven. Only He can make it right. Trust that He will. 

Peace, healing and Grace to you-

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Here I am afraid and yet totally unafraid

I went to a retreat this weekend with my Aunt Mary. Who is one of the people in my life that has always said- "Do it" supporting whatever my wise idea was at the time. She has always been one of the people who I know is pushing me ever so gently with a loving supportive hand on my back. She is amazing, she has been through so much in her life, she has raised an amazing kid (he is my Godson so I am kinda biased) She is a lover of nature, dogs and God. She teaches me something every time I am with her. She has strength. I hope that I have that kind of inner strength when I am her age (which is not so far off).

The retreat this weekend was put on by a woman who has faced great tragedy in her life. About 25 years ago, her husband and young daughter were killed by a drunk driver, she was 3 months pregnant with their second child when this happened and she was devastated, as anyone would be. She said she was in such a bad way that she didn't know how to grieve and everyone around her just looked at her with great pity. She said, that during that time following the accident that God challenged her faith, her love and her hope for the future. She went to work for a ministry answering letters from around the world. She found out that she was not the only one out in the world living with this pain, loss of love, joy and hope. She said, that she was told by a man of God, to stop grieving her agenda for her life and just grieve her loss and move on with what God's plan was for her life. Wow!!! That really hit me!!! How many times do we have a plan or a dream and we think something should go this way- and it doesn't, and then we question God? Why? Why didn't this go like I thought it should go? Why didn't you work that out for me? and God says, Um' hello- quit having a pity party and move on with what I have planned for you. What? You mean my thoughts are not God's thoughts? Psalms 94:11 Ahhh...Nope that would make me God- and that I am not! His word says our thoughts are not His thoughts and our plans are not His plans. Isaiah 55:8

 This speaker at the retreat- said that even the rocks cry out in praise to God- Luke 19:40 everything we do should praise and magnify the Lord. Everything? Is that possible? To live our life everyday to God's glory? That seems like alot to ask? or maybe it's nothing to ask at all.... Stop, be still and listen to His voice in our walk, listen to the Spirit of God. Don't be afraid to live your life without fear, fear of rejection, fear of not accomplishing something, fear of hurt, sadness or pain. Live it with love- abundant Love, not asking what people think, not caring if you haven't done it all right.... Just do it.... This seems to be a recurring statement with me. I am trying to take my own advice. Just Do It! Stop making excuses and Do it! (I better watch out Nike will want a payback for me using there slogan!)

The other things this lady said were amazing stories of Gods goodness to her and how she was eventually grateful to the drunk driver..... What? Did she say grateful to the person whom had taken away so much from her life? Yep, she said that not only had she forgiven them but, that she was grateful- they had shown her how she had limits to her love. She knew that God wanted her to show love to all mankind and  that if she couldn't love this person- She was limiting the love of God that she would flow through her.... Wow! I was convicted. I place limits all the time on my love of others. I used to pray that God would give me a compassionate heart for the unlovely, the hurting and the lost. Now, I have to pray that God will allow His love to show through me to everyone that He wants that love to flow to.... That's BIG love!

My challenge for the week- to show God's love to someone- meet someone where they are at.... work, gas station, hospital, grocery store, or a friend in need.  Let them know you care!